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Commercial Invoice Endorsement and/ or Legalization in El Salvador

Commercial Invoice Endorsement El Salvador, Registration in El Salvador

According to Salvadorian regulation, in order to import chemical products it is mandatory to register them before the corresponding authorities, you can find a list of some of the products that require registration below.

  • Motor oil.
  • Car Shampoo.
  • Lubricants.
  • Contact lenses.
  • Adhesives.
  • Shoe polish.
  • Lead-free water-based paint.
  • Colored ink.
  • Black ink.
  • Brake fluid.
  • Lubricant additives.
  • Lead-free soldering paste.
  • Gasoline additives.
  • Car wax.
  • Cartridge ink.
  • Waxes
  • Starch-based glues.
  • Animal-based glues.
  • Upholstery cleaners.
  • Copier machine toner.
  • Male and female condoms.

The fee for Commercial Invoice Endorsement is USD 113.00

the registry requirements for the aforementioned products are:

For products classified as hygienic the requirements and fees are:

  • Power of Attorney granted to the pharmacist.
  • Valid and duly apostilled Free Sale Certificate, issued by the competent authority in the country of origin, it must state the registration number and the product name.
  • Quali-Quantitative formula of the product.
  • Method of Analysis.
  • Certificate of Analysis, signed and sealed by the responsible party.
  • Two product samples. If the label is in a language other than Spanish, then a supplementary draft label must be submitted, which we can prepare at your convenience, this must be incorporated for the commercialization of the product.

For products classified as chemical, the requirements are:

  • Duly Apostilled Power of Attorney for sanitary registration. (We will provide the POA draft, once our offer is accepted).
  • Product Literature.
  • Product technical and safety data sheet.
  • Product chemical composition information.
  • Product packaging project, as it will be commercialized.
  • The time frame for this process is around 15 working days.
  • Our fee for sanitary registration of chemical products in El Salvador is USD 300.00, plus official registration fees.
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