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Requirements for Incorporating a Corporation in El Salvador

Variable Capital Corporations

These entities can be established with a minimum of two partners, who can be nationals, foreigners, legal entities, or natural persons.

Constituir una Sociedad Anónima en El Salvador
Incorporating a Corporation in El Salvador

Minimum Share Capital

The minimum share capital is $2000, with at least 5% of the share capital required for incorporation. Shareholders have a one-year period from registration of the company’s incorporation deed in the Commercial Registry to fully pay their share capital.

Requirements for Incorporating a Corporation in El Salvador

Constituir una Sociedad Anónima en El Salvador

Company Name

Shareholders must agree on the company's name, which is crucial for verifying its availability in the Commercial Registry.

Identification of Shareholders

  • Salvadoran shareholders: Must provide their Unique Identity Document (DUI).

  •  Foreign shareholders: Must provide a valid passport.

Constituir una Sociedad Anónima en El Salvador

Certified Check

Shareholders must present a certified check from a Salvadoran bank, either for 5% of the share capital or the full share capital of $2,000

Business Activities in El Salvador

Shareholders must define the business activities the company will engage in within El Salvador, which are determined in the social pact.

Company Address in El Salvador

The company’s address in El Salvador must be determined and will be registered as the fiscal domicile.

acciones en el salvador

Shareholding Proportion

Shareholders must identify the shareholding proportion each will have in the company in El Salvador, according to their contributions.

Type of Administration

  • Sole Administration: A sole proprietor who acts as the legal representative and a sole alternate administrator.
  • Board of Directors: Typically composed of three main directors and one to three alternates. The sole administration and the board of directors can serve for a term of up to 7 years.

Incorporation Timeline

The incorporation period for a company in El Salvador is approximately 4 to 8 business days.

Time Required to Incorporate a Corporation in El Salvador
Learn about the requirements, necessary documents, and the complete process to register your company.
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